Picture by Austen
As they were lining up to pay for the tickets the attendant said: "All the maze is open but that area over there, you musn't go there. Whatever you do don't pass through it." The young people said: "Oooh."
No sooner were they in the maze when one of the boys said: "I wonder where that place is he's talking about?"
Suddenly he saw an orange construction fence. Beyond the orange construction fence there was something bright and shiny. It was a time portal. Matthew took off, jumping into the time portal. Grace and Gabi were a bit scared and wondered where he'd gone to.
In the ticket office the security guard glimpsed the video and saw what was happening. He leapt up and started running through the maze. "What's going on here?" he shouted.
The young people saw him coming. Janelle called out: "Oh no, he's after us, let's go!"
In an instant the young people were in the portal. They fell and landed on something really hard. "Where are we?" they cried out.
Matthew, the eldest of the group, rubbed his head and said: "It's a paddlesteamer."
And sure enough it was. It was an 1800's paddlesteamer.
Matthew looked at everyone. "Hey! we've slipped back in time. That portal worked!"
As the paddlesteamer came into the port of Echuca they heard a scream. It was the security guard. He'd come through the portal too but he didn't land on the paddlesteamer, he fell with a huge splash right in the middle of the Murray!
The young people said: "Hey, let's go! Let's get away."
They jumped onto a Cobb and Co coach. "He'll never get us now!" But that security guard was quick. He jumped on the back of the coach as they sped through the main street of Echuca.
One of the girls, Chelsea saw a strange door. "Come on everybody!" she yelled out. "Jump!" And they all jumped and followed Chelsea through that strange old door.
Chelsea must have guessed that it was another portal. But she could never have guessed where they'd end up.
"Wow!" said Austen. "This is sick! I love bowling!" And sure enough they were at the bowling alley.
He looked at the other kids and smiled. He was just thinking about a game when he saw that the security guard was in the bowling alley too! "Oh, no!" they all called out. All the young people started to run across the alleys.
Just at that moment a really heavy and very fast ball came down the lane and hit the security guard. The guard was knocked down, disappeared behind the bowling lanes and was swept down the portal.
Luke and Gabi reached for their mobile phones. "Let's ring our Mums!"
When the young people's parents arrived they all had a bit of explaining to do about how come they were at the bowling alley and not at the maze but they sure had a good story to share with their friends when they headed back to school. All their friends said: "That's amazing!" even though they didn't believe them.
© This was created by Daryll Bellingham and young library users at the Echuca Branch Library of the Campaspe Regional Library Service, 14th January, 2009.
The following map includes the locations of the story settings.
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